The SHF Motion Review Committee is now accepting motions for the 2019 Annual General Meeting. If you are an adult (18 years or older) member in good standing and would like to make a motion at the 2019 Annual General Meeting, you must submit them to the offices of the Saskatchewan Horse Federation before January 3, 2019 at 4:30 PM.


2019 AGM Call for Motions Form


The Saskatchewan Horse Federation recognizes the challenges posed by the diverse interests of our members, and by the location of the Annual General Meeting. Therefore, The Standing Rules Committee was struck to ensure a democratic means of presenting motions that fall under the ‘New Business’ portion of the meeting. This allows motions to be presented in advance of the AGM to allow the membership time to review and to make plans to attend.

The Board of Directors and Standing Rules Committee are responsible to ensure the organization conducts the business and affairs of the Federation for the benefit of the entire membership by ensuring that all motions advance the organization’s mission, and are in accordance with the organization’s aims, goals and objectives. Motions must also be attainable within the scope of the organization’s human and financial resources.

If you are an adult (18 years or older) member in good standing and would like to make a motion at the 2019 Annual General Meeting, you must submit motions to the offices of the Saskatchewan Horse Federation before January 3, 2019 at 4:30 PM.

*NOTE* All motions MUST be made and seconded by adult individual members who are members in good standing for 2018 and 2019. Memberships are available for purchase prior to year end to ensure your membership does not lapse.

Duly submitted motions will be forwarded to the Standing Rules Committee and Board of Directors for approval, prior to circulation to the membership.

Approved motions will be circulated to the membership a minimum of thirty days prior to presentation for voting consideration at the Annual General Meeting of the membership. Members who have made and seconded the motions must be present at the AGM.


The Resolutions Committee