CapriCMW Insurance and Rogers Insurance have joined forces to become Acera Insurance. Their name may have changed, but the commitment to their clients remains the same. 

Acera is the official insurance provider of the SHF.

Membership in your Equine Association automatically includes insurance coverage for most equine related liability exposures. Coverage is in excess of any other insurance you carry or is primary if you have no other insurance that could apply.  The insurance is in effect each year from January 1 - December 31.


2025 Membership Fees: 

Adult Membership  - $ 60.42     (18 to 90 years of age)
Junior Membership - $ 45.42     (17 years of age or under as of Jan. 1, 2024)
Family Membership - $141.26   (includes any 3 Family Members) 15.42 for any additional family members

All pricing includes taxes and fees


The information below is a summary of coverage only. 

For more details visit or contact Acera directly at 1-800-670-1877



Acera Insurance Summary and FAQ

A Few Facts About the Automatic Insurance Coverage Included with your SHF Membership


Coverage Included with your SHF Membership:

$5,000,000 Liability Insurance 

This coverage protects you against lawsuits for Bodily Injury or Property Damage arising out of the ownership or use of a horse and / or arising out of your participation in personal equine related activities.

This policy includes coverage for legal liability arising from the non-commercial transport / incidental care, custody and control of non-owned horses. The liability limit for care, custody and control is $10,000 per horse / $50,000 per accident. 

Automatic Liability Fact Sheet

Special Notes on Coverage Restrictions

  • Coverage excludes any lawsuit brought against you by your own spouse, or by any relative or dependent(s) residing in your household.
  • Coverage excludes the “commercial use” of horses (such as renting them out to others) as well as participation in Rough Stock Rodeo events, parimutuel racing, or unsanctioned racing activity, providing coaching, lessons, instruction to others for any form of compensation, and participation in horse pulling competitions.
  • Use of a horse for equestrian shows or competitions shall not be deemed commercial use; and barrel racing, team roping and team penning shall not be deemed rodeo or racing events.
  • If you are a member but your principal residence is outside Canada, then your coverage is restricted to equine activities that take place in Canada. Coverage for Canadian residents is world wide but lawsuits must be brought against you in Canada.
  • Coverage is primary if you have no other insurance that will respond to a claim made against you, but will be considered excess of any other insurance you carry that can or should respond to the incident.
  • Coverage is subject to a deductible of $1,000 for Property Damage claims. There is no deductible for Bodily Injury claims.


$40,000 Accidental Death Dismemberment

Coverage for each member arising from equine-related activities – under the age of 90. Coverage excludes fracture, dental losses, or loss of income. This policy does not provide partial disability benefits or loss of wages.

Automatic AD&D Fact Sheet


Additional Insurance Options Available for Purchase:

Members Named Perils - $37.10 per person  (Price includes PST)

Covers the death of an owned horse resulting from fire, lightning, collision/overturn of a conveyance in which a horse was being transported. It also extends to windstorm/hail, earthquake or flood, attack by a dog or wild animal, collapse of building, order of government authority and more. This insures up to a maximum of $10,000 for any one horse, any one loss. One option per member, must be purchased by the owner of horse.

Members Named Perils Fact Sheet


Emergency Surgery Coverage(+ Members Named Perils) - $58.30 (includes PST) per person


This policy covers Emergency Surgery Coverage necessitated by accident or sickness,
including colic surgery and fracture surgery, to a maximum limit of $2,500.00 for expenses incurred (250.00 deductible). No death benefit is payable under this policy. Restricted to one claim per year. 

Emergency Surgery Coverage Fact Sheet


Additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment - $45.00 per person

Provides $75,000 Principal Sum AD&D and includes a Fracture benefit of $7,500/$2,500 principal sum (helmet/no helmet) and a Dental benefit of $5,000 principal sum. This option excludes claims for Loss of Income. This policy will provide increased limits to the coverage provided automatically in your annual membership. Restricted to under 75 years of age.

Enhanced AD&D Fact Sheet


Weekly Accident Indemnity (+ Enhanced AD&D) - $195.00 per person

Income Replacement in the event you are unable to work due to an accident. Coverage is in force 24 hours a day/7 days a week and includes (but is not limited to) injuries arising from an equine related incident. The policy will provide up to $500/week in income replacement for up to 26 weeks (restrictions apply). 

Weekly Accident Indemnity Fact Sheet


Members Tack Insurance - $79.50 per person (Price includes PST)

Insures tack and equipment from loss or damage anywhere in North America. Limit $10,000.00 ($500 deductible). Does not cover clothing or protective equipment worn by riders, wear & tear/abuse, mysterious disappearance or horse drawn vehicles.

Members Tack Insurance Fact Sheet


Emergency Stabling Expense Coverage(+ Members Named Perils) - $26.50 - to be implemented 2024


This insurance provides coverage for increased expense incurred to stable the insured horse(s) at other premises due to the perils of fire, windstorm, collapse or disease which makes the usable stabling temporarily unsafe or unusable.

Emergency Stabling Expense Coverage Fact Sheet


Other Coverage Options are also Available to Members at Reduced Cost:

  • Farm-Care for your rural property and home
  • Equi-Care providing life/medical/surgical insurance for your horses
  • Insurance for Coaches, Officials, Grooms, and more
  • See for more information, or contact Acera at 1-800-670-1877



Acera Insurance Services Ltd.
Phone Toll Free 1-800-670-1877
Fax (250) 860-1213


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