Prairie Cup
Prairie Cup is a provincial competition program with the purpose of generating and maintaining participation in High Performance disciplines across Saskatchewan by supporting clubs, gaining interest from athletes, coaches and breeders to competitions at a High Performance level. The Saskatchewan Horse Federation strives to ensure that competitive athletes have the opportunity to compete provincially and at a national level.
SHF rewards athletes for their dedication to the equestrian competitive sports. After having nominated, and qualifying at provincial shows, points from the annual standings are then calculated and prizes are distributed during a special ceremony at the end of the fiscal year.
We encourage all those competing to Nominate themselves and their horses in order for points to be counted to qualify for year end awards! You may nominate when you apply for or renew your individual membership or you can nominate at any time during the year by filling out the form below and returning it to the office with payment. Note: Points will only start counting following nomination, any competitions prior to nomination will not count for year end tabulations.
Out of Province Competition
Riders competing outside the Province may accumulate points toward Prairie Cup awards if they place in classes that are of equivalent heights to PC Hunters and Jumpers, or of equivalent levels in Dressage and Reining.
Competitors are eligible to earn points at competitions out of province but cannot earn such points exclusive of participation in SHF competitions. To be eligible for year end awards, a rider must earn points at a minimum of one SHF competition in the same discipline they are submitting out of province points for. In the event that there are no SHF competitions offering a particular PC approved class in that calendar year, a rider may earn points solely in out of province competitions.
Riders must voluntarily submit results on the Out of Province Point Form available on the SHF website. Proof of placing (and score for Dressage and Reining) must be verified by providing official competition results, along with proof of a competitions designation (FEI, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze). The deadline for submission of out of province points will be October 31 of the competition year.
For more details on Result Submission and Qualifying Rules, see pages 150-153 the 2025 SHF Handbook
Authorized use of the SHF Handbook is granted only to SHF sanctioned events. It is the responsibility of the event organizers and/or people in charge of the event to make sure their event is SHF sanctioned and approved for SHF handbook use. Unsanctioned events should not include advertising/reference of the SHF handbook or sanctioning in any promotional materials or exhibitor information. (August 6, 2024)
Prairie Cup Divisions
Hunter Division
- Low (2'9" - 3'0")
- Medium (3'3" - 3'6")
- High (3'9" and above)
Jumper Division
- Schooling (.75 - .85m)
- Low (.90 - 1.0m)
- Medium (1.10 - 1.15m)
- High (1.20m - 1.25m)
- Advanced Jumper (1.30m and above)
Dressage Division
- Second Level
- Third Level
- Fourth Level
- Advanced (Prix St Georges/Intermediare 1 or Grand Prix/Grand Prix Special)
Reining Division
- Open (no $ limit)
- Non-Pro (no $ limit)
- Youth (18 & under)