Saskatchewan Horse Federation
Coaching Symposium

The Saskatchewan Horse Federation is dedicated to providing top of the line professional development opportunities to its membership. This particular weekend will be filled with one of a kind professional development geared towards our instructors/coaches/trainers/industry professionals.

Whether you are a certified coach or not, we want to welcome you to join us for this educational weekend aimed at providing relevant industry information specially designed in a format that our instructors/coaches/trainers/industry professionals can relate too. Our fantastic industry presenters are excited at the opportunity to help educate our key stakeholders.

Note: This event is open to all industry professionals including but not limited to instructors/coaches/trainers/athletes etc. Participants MUST hold valid proof of SHF membership or other PTSO membership.


Certified Coaches (EC Certified or Status Holder/NCCP/CanTRA/Vault Instructor/International Trainer Passport)

Non-Certified Coaches


Presentations will be delivered in three key areas:

All About Business

We want to give you the tools and knowledge to step up your business game. After all, you are our key industry stakeholders, so why not take pride in that and develop some strategies to STAND OUT!

All About the Horse

Horses are an integral part of our sport. As key stakeholders and industry leaders, we want to provide you with the knowledge that you can take back to your programming to ensure that your equi

ne athletes are receiving the best possible care!

All About the Athlete

As instructors/coaches ongoing professional development in the area of athlete education is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Without our riders, we would have no sport! As such our day is geared around presenting information to participants on strategies to improve their clients/athletes/riders. Assurance that a safe environment and knowledgeable coach is present is highly regarded.


2024 Coaching Symposium Schedule

Session #1 - NCCP Manage a Sport Program – Ruth Allum (Master Coach Developer)
As coaches begin to take on more responsibility, they are expected to plan and execute tasks that extend beyond the delivery of daily training and the management of the daily training environment.
The NCCP Manage a Sport Program module provides coaches with the opportunity to plan and interact with program budgeting, setting staff and team expectations, arranging team travel, building athlete agreements, and reporting on athlete/team progress.
This module is perfect for any club head coach, provincial team coach, aspiring team manager, or technical administrator.
After completing the NCCP Manage a Sport Program, you will be able to:
• Manage administrative aspects of the program and oversee logistics.
• Manage staff roles and responsibilities.
• Manage camp and tournament finances and travel.
• Report on athlete progress throughout the program.

Session #2 - Rider Biomechanics – Jenifer Parks / Equiletics
Mind & Body, Horse & Rider
Combining the principles of exercise and behavioral physiology to improve horse and rider relationship and enhance performance.

Session #3 - Lesson Horse Baseline Testing – Ruth Allum (High Performance Eventing Coach)
Establishing your lesson horses’ baseline to help identify potential health concerns early.

Session #1 - Lesson Plan Recipes – Ruth Allum (Master Coach Developer and High-Performance Coach)
Through breakout group activities. We will learn multiple creative ways to teach horsemanship/riding skills.

Session #2 - Saddle Fitting – Krystl Raven
Learn to help fit English and Western Saddles to horse and rider

Session #3 - Teaching Hoof Care Basics – Lee Burritt
How to teach hoof care basics to your students/clients

Session #4 - Introduction to New EC Learn to Program – Ruth Allum (Program Developer with Helen Richardson)
Symposium attendees will be some of the first people to learn about the new and improved EC Learn to Program.

Event Wrap-up

For More Information Contact:

SHF Technical Director
[email protected]