**New, as of May 1, 2022: Saskatchewan Horse Federation will require all member clubs to carry a minimum of a basic liability insurance as a requisite part of their membership with SHF.**
AON club insurance will cease to be valid as of April 30, 2022.
Becoming a Member Club
- Club Members must be a bona fide non-profit club that follows the Aims and Objectives of the Constitution for the Saskatchewan Horse Federation.
- Clubs must have their own written Constitution.
- Hold an open Annual General Meeting for the election of officers and approval of the Annual Financial Report and affairs of the club.
- Clubs must have a minimum of 6 current SHF registered members.
- As of May 1, 2022, Saskatchewan Horse Federation will require all members clubs to carry a minimum of a basic liability insurance as a requisite part of membership with SHF
- Comprehensive liability of at least 2 million dollars (required)
- Participant liability - second party coverage of at least 2 million dollars (required)
- Employee and directors bonding of at least one hundred thousand dollars (recommended)
- Director and officers liability of at least one million dollars (recommended)
- Annual SHF membership fees are due January 1st of the current year and expire December 31st of the same year. Fees are non-refundable.
- New clubs shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
- New club membership applications shall be allowed interim approval by the Executive Director until final approval is given by the Board, where the club meets all requirements for membership approval.
- All clubs must submit a copy of their Constitution and Safety Rules prior to membership approval.
- All clubs must submit annually their list of membership for the current year, with the appropriate fees and the corporate/club member application.
- Each club is entitled to one vote at any general meeting of the Federation on any item of business that requires a motion. The voting delegate must be named by the club in accordance with the procedures established by its Board of Director and such person must hold a valid Individual membership with the Federation.
- If a club is applying for the Community Clinic Grant, they must provide proof of their non-profit registration (with ISC and entitiy number) for the current year. The club must be an active member in the year prior to the year of the grant applications being submitted.
- All member clubs are eligible to participate in the annual fundraising of the Lucky Horseshoe Raffle.
Remember: Before sending the Club Membership Renewal/Application Form to the SHF Office, the club must have six members that are 2025 SHF members before the Club is able to renew for the year. The Club contact person can call the office to have access to verify its Club Members status. 306-780-9449.
A benefit of club membership is the ability to apply for grant funding. Member Assistance Program (MAP) Grant funding can cover administrative costs of running your club, such as insurance / registration costs, purchasing club equipment, promotional advertising, administration expenses, etc. For more information on application and guidelines, click here.
Community Clinic Grant
Membership Assistance Program (MAP) Grant
Saskatchewan Breed Development Grant
Team Travel Grant
Hosting Grant
Applications are due May 1 of each year, with follow up reporting due in October.